SCP-3008 The Endless IKEA


SCP-3008 The Endless IKEA


Imagine you finally got into the SCP foundation as a Scientist and your first task was to Study a subject with infinite possibilities. Cool right? Well, you're wrong because the possibilities stored within SCP 3008 are not only endless but also traps those whoever goes inside.


Hi my name is Detective Nicolette, and in my hand is the entire encyclopedia of the Endless IKEA better known as SCP 3008. It belongs to the Euclid class, and the subject is currently owned by the SCP foundation. The subject is located in a retail park of which the SCP foundation purchased and converted into one of their sites, although the number of the site was initially blacked out  but I managed to connect the dots between all of their respective sites and I have indeed determined that SCP 3008 is in fact Site 96. The foundation also made sure all public roads that may at one point lead to SCP 3008 were either destroyed or redirected away from the site.


And besides the 24 hours surveillance on site 96, the foundation's senior head researcher has also forbidden anyone from entering SCP 3008. In the event that a human does manage to exit Site 96, that human must be apprehended and immediately debriefed prior to the administration of amnestics. They go through this procedure to learn all they can about the inside of SCP 3008, who the person was before he entered and who he is now that he exited, once the foundation has the information they need, the person's memory is then wiped clean off any events between him and site 96, after which they generate a cover story for the person before he is released. But unlike humans, any other Entity exiting Site 96, must be terminated immediately Because not even the foundation knows the effects that site 96 has on other entities.


SCP 3008 as shown in these shots appears to be a large retail unit which was previously owned and branded as IKEA which at the time was a popular furniture retail business chain. From the data collected from the victims of SCP 3008, the foundation was able to find out that a person who enters the infinite IKEA through the main entrance will immediately be translocated to another dimension called SCP-3008-1. But the strange thing about this instant change in reality is the fact that not even the victim or victims are aware of it because everything arounds them stays pretty much the same. However, the moment they try to return to the entrance, that's when they realize what had happened.


Victims record that SCP 3008-1 is a reality which resembles the inside of an actual IKEA furniture store, but they also reported that the limits of this reality stretches even far beyond the physical possibilities that the dimension of this retail unit can take. The original measurement for SCP 3008 is at least 10 kilometers square and it is also without any visible external terminals or rooms in any of its direction. This mere data alone is proof of the existence of SCP-3008-1, because more records have it that the reality is almost like another planet Entirely, but it is all full of furniture. The foundation has even attempted to use Laser range finders to test for the limits of SCP 3008-1 but the results came out inconclusive, which led the foundation to believe that the space may be Infinite.


Currently, the number of Civilians trapped within SCP-3008-1 prior to its containment remains unknown, however it does seem like the trapped humans have accepted their faith and formed a somewhat rudimentary civilisation within SCP-3008-1, this includes the construction of makeshift settlements, but along the line, these survivors had to include fortifications into the mix the moment they discovered some strange entities within the reality to which the foundation dubbed SCP-3008-2.


From what the foundation could deduct in all the records made by victims of Site 96, SCP-3008-2 looks all look like Humanoid entities which have only been spotted within SCP-3008-1. Although they do look like humans, they however possess some seemingly exaggerated and inconsistent body parts which were often regarded as too small or too long. These entities also lack facial features, and in all recorded instances wore a yellow shirt and blue trousers complete with the IKEA tag on their chest.


Even though the reality within SCP-3008 appears to be just a retail unit for furniture, it does have a rudimentary day and night cycle which is determined by the lightings of the store. These lightings automatically activate and deactivate normally indicating when the store is open or close but for the trapped humans and instances of SCP-3008-2, it meant day and night.


At night, these entities were reported to behave violently towards any and all life forms within SCP-3008-1, but the weird thing about these instances is the fact that they always say the same thing over and over again in perfect English "The store is now closed, please exit the building" Sure it may seem like they exist solely to keep the stores rules in check, but these same creatures won't shy aware from killing any human they find at night.


However, once day begins, they immediately go into a passive state while moving around the facility with no real aim or destination, they also don't respond to any human around them nor answer any question they are asked, but that doesn't mean they won't react violently if threatened or attacked. So far only one instance of SCP-3008-2 has managed to make it out of Site 96 on August 16 1990, and the subject was immediately terminated by SCP guards on duty, however that was before it viciously attacked and killed an exiting human male. The Corpse went through a full autopsy but the details were sealed completely shut and destroyed possibly because they didn't find anything useful about the subject.


This particular case and incident involving the exiting man and the instance of SCP-3008-2 was particularly noted because of the insane amount of years the man had spent inside Site 96 at least according to his journal. His entrance into the Infinite IKEA dates back to World War 2, he was a spy sent to infiltrate a secret German base, and gather useful Intel. However, on his way out of the base, his cover was blown and he was forced to hide inside SCP-3008, to his surprise as he walked inside and looked back at the Germans, none of them seemed interested in following him inside, but that didn't stop him running until he lost sight of the entrance.


I must say one of the weird parts about this man's entire ordeal within SCP 3008 is the furniture itself, at the time he was inside the Infinite IKEA, he reported that the furnitures on sale were all similar to those considered modern at the time. But as seasons changed, so did the furnitures, with each transforming into brand new furnitures made of materials he had never even seen before, my theory on this is that SCP-3008-1 can only exist in a reality of the Furniture retail for a specific period of time, and once it's time is exhausted, it changes it's current reality to the nearest future, to put it simply, SCP 3008-1 changes to a more modern future according to a given time line. This actually explains where all the entities within the Infinite IKEA came from, they were the retail attendants for each given reality before they got possessed by SCP-3008-1.


The man also managed to deduce the fact that SCP-3008-1 has about one or more exits located within it's endless corridors. However, none of these exits have a specific or fixed location which makes leaving the Infinite IKEA almost impossible once you're inside.


The foundation also tried a couple of test one involving using a different means to enter Site 96 and another involved Breaking through the walls, but they all lead to a non-anomalous interior of the actual shop itself which basically means that SCP-3098-1 only exists at the entrance of site 96.


Although this subject seems to have a big effect on humans, it does however give an opposite effect to other SCP subjects, as former head researcher for the foundation Dr. Varen Bloom tried to prove in some of his experiments, the first involved SCP 096 better known as the shy guy, on its initial release into the entrance of the Infinite IKEA, the creature seemed hesitant to go any further, that was until a class D personnel was forced to look at photos of the shy guy before he was throw into the Infinite IKEA and to everyone's surprise, the shy guy immediately went after the class D personnel within the reality of SCP-3008-1, 8 hours later the creature walked out of site 96 as if it was shown the exit by something within. Possible reasons for this includes the possibility that the Infinite IKEA was created by SCP-001 as a means to trap and feed on humans when he eventually arrives in our reality, and the occurrence with SCP 096 was a safety precautions he created to save the children of SCP-232-7, this particular subject consist of 7 women all of whom bear his children, I'll do a detailed explanation on SCP 232 in a later video. But for now you have to understand that creating realities is what the Scarlet king is good at, so the connection between a retail shop that changes reality and an SCP subject that creates reality seems very likely. Although the very thought of this does raise some questions like, why make such a powerful weapon in the form of a retail store? Did the Scarlet king create other instances of SCP-3008-1 and disguise them in other important structures? Again this is just a hypothesis for now, with no real proof tied to it.


Dr. Bloom's second experiment on the other hand proved more costly that the last, this involved the use of another SCP subject although the exact identity of the subject was removed from all records, the subject was made to walk into the Infinite IKEA and record what it finds inside, but till this day that particular SCP subject never returned. 1 week after his failed attempt, Dr. Bloom was fired from the foundation and his memories were wiped clean or so they think, but more on that in another episode.


However, the second experiment was a failure, it does seem rather curious that the shy guy escaped the Infinite IKEA in less than 8 hours, but another SCP subject never exited, was the shy guy just lucky with its directions? Definitely not, because my theory on this point is that if the infinite IKEA was actually created by Scarlet king, he may have excluded the children born from the 7th wife, to which as we already know is the wife that gives birth to saviors for mankind. The Scarlet king Naturally has a hatred for these children so it does make sense that he excludes them from his protection. I don't stand completely by these theories but I must say they are very likely the real deals.


Especially considering the fact that since the Containment of SCP-3008, only 14 individuals have managed to exit the reality. These are just some of my theories and hypotheses on SCP 3008, could they be correct? I'll let you decide that in the comment section below, don't forget to like the video and Subscribe to my channel if you wish to follow me on my journey at uncovering even more SCP subjects. Farewell.

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